Advanced control system is heart of many of engineering automation system, autonomous vehicles, aerospace systems etc. As the performance requirement of such systems is rising tremendously, need for correct mathematical modelling and simulation along with experimental identification of system transfer function/unknown co-efficient of system transfer function becomes necessary. We at TECHMATIKS stands here and claims this as strength of our company.
Typically, as a designer, we would create artwork in imaging and design tools, such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP and then send it to a developer for adding it to the application. With the Qt Bridge export tool, we can convert your artwork into Qt Quick files. We can import the files into Qt Design Studio for editing, before we submit the UI to our developer for adding the functionality to the application. We can create an expressive User Interface for any of your industrial application. We can also embed 3D scenes into UI with blender for creating expressive interface. We can create custom SCADA applications with endless front end design possibilities.
We can create web based dash boards for control of embedded system from remote location with data visualization front end for engineering test centers such as automotive test centers, pump test facilities etc. We use HTML, JAVA, Node.js, electron.JS , Python etc for such applications. We can Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS using electron.js.